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The Next Great Evolutionary Step        Planning The Impossible


Dear David


Thanks for the enlightening comments in your last email that bring things into much sharper focus. I still have some way to go before I have a complete handle on everything, but as ever, your input and contribution are truly invaluable. They act as my guide and have helped shape the following.


I had some amazing revelations last night which I recorded so I wouldn’t forget them, but now that Monday evening is upon us, and having also read your supplements to our discourse, all play back as rather trite and uninspiring, and part of me feels as I am just making it up as I go along.


And I must confess to the occasional troublesome grumblings concerning my state of mind, since the line of thought is unconventional to say the least.


Indeed, the process of intellectualising at this level feels a little like sucking the last remaining ounce of juice out of an orange and still wanting more, which eventually leaves me drained and back where I started. At this point in time part of me feels as if I am clearly pushing myself into a very tight corner, as if what I write is no more than just a clever piece of very imaginative fiction.


Years ago, I suggested to my father that his view of the world might be lacking in some way, and his response, which was demeaning and resentful but not entirely unexpected, was you are talking out the back of your head.


Well that is where the brainstem resides, and since it has been around a lot longer that I have, it no doubt has quite a lot to tell us if only we gave it the chance; now I don’t feel half so bad. In fact, sometimes, I’m almost inclined to let it take over completely; er, well, not quite.


For the record, this is what passed through my mind last night.


Inside imagination, potential sees possibility.




Whose imagination?


Who’s observing us?


All of a sudden, I see universes wrapped in universes.


If messages can indeed be propagated across or through time, what might be the SOC rules that permit communication between my present and past minds (or perhaps it’s always my future mind)


What does this mean precisely? One scenario is that today I will engineer something that causes a change to my past self; the other a change to my present self that will have been energised by my future self.


Perhaps no more is required than the reliving of a memory for primal communication to take place. Communication via our phantoms, as if they remain fixed in time.


How to send messages back to the past? Well, what we do is send a message into the future. That is to say, we send a message to our future self, which is the life that is yet to be lived, but which is separated from our present life by the third dimension in time.


I should add that this scenario can only be possible for an individual endowed with full consciousness; someone who has had their primal gate prised open, thus allowing consciousness to flow fully and freely throughout to his entire history.


Therefore, when I say a communication of sorts will take place between my present self and my future self, what I mean is that at some time in the future I will die, when the seat of my consciousness will be rerouted to my moment of birth, only it will be accompanied by a temporal shift in the third dimension in time, while simultaneously living life in the same two dimensional plane of time having the same start and end dates.


I am hypothesising that this future self would have some kind of unconscious knowledge or inkling that a remarkable event did once occur in its entire history, and so it might prime itself for an unusual event in its new life.




People are very aware of the meaning of saying goodbye – when we leave a job, a house we’ve lived in for years, a position at work we’ve occupied for years, of a friend we’ve known for years, that special holiday, the passing of a loved one; in fact anything and everything that leaves a mark on our lives including countries, towns, villages, school, University.


Yet the one place we spend the first nine months of our lives in, and how do we celebrate that? Answer, we don’t. Even the idea that we might proffer a salutary thanks very much womb, you’ve done a great job, but it’s time to move on – not a whisper – the idea being far removed from consciousness as it can be. As soon as we are born, we are taken from that sacred place, and as far as society is concerned, that is the end of it, as if we were never born. This is a deeply unconscious act. In fact, the very thought of celebrating those nine months in a real and meaningful way could be regarded by some people as ludicrous, revolting, disgusting even.


Why does society regard our time spent in the womb with such disdain, given its significance in our lives; the fact that trauma originating in the womb can stay with us for the rest of our lives? The entire history of our evolution discarded the instant the baby is taken from that place never to return. Perhaps the reason is that, for most people, their birth is the single most painful experience of their entire lives, an experience that people subconsciously put as much distance from as possible.




In my mind, I see a maze of transparent pipes around and along which electrical pulses carrying information are being conveyed. The whole setup looks a little like an oil refinery with pipes extending in all directions.


We are looking along a dimension of time. It’s like a transparent tunnel along which a train is travelling. The train is a little packet of information and it knows the route it is taking. The train knows because consciousness is the tunnel and it knows the precise route our lives have taken from the beginning to the end and back to the beginning. 


However, the bit of consciousness that required for this unique and breathtaking form of time travel was blocked at birth. Opening the primal gate allows the consciousness to flow freely and unimpeded. This means entering the primal room with all that that entails, making this form of time travel impossible for ordinary people to achieve.


Each station, each stopping point, each nodal point is a memory. Our memory snapshots are the indirect reference pointers to the real memories. The real memories are the record of the events observed by the patient as they happened. By unlocking consciousness, we can feed information via our memories back to a precise past moment in time.


We can therefore affect real past time. How do we recognise and pinpoint a past real time event? What kind of experiences stand out from all others, and ones that we can remember in fine detail?


Sexual orgasm! During sexual orgasm, normal people become, for that brief moment, totally unconsciousness, and when that occurs will be the precise moment that the message will be received.


For each occurrence of message transfer, the associated memory will get on the psychic train and move along until it gets to the end of the memory, the point of the orgasm, and the moment in time when the message hits our former consciousness and gets fed into the system.


By contrast, primal man will be fully conscious during orgasm and this will be the moment when he transmits the message. The message he will be sending to his former younger self, which will actually be his future self, but which at the moment of reception of the message will be a younger person who is sharing the same two dimensional plane of time, and so will be, to all intents and purposes, a message sent to an earlier period in time.


When one considers the nature of the sexual orgasm, is it perhaps not a little strange that it has a power and intensity that is not really commensurate with its apparent purpose which is to procreate the species. Conceiving the human foetus could easily be achieved without any accompanying feeling whatsoever; the feeling during sex is actually coincidental to the purpose for which it is intended.


True ecstasy is feeling with consciousness. Thus at the moment of orgasm, consciousness penetrates the feeling that holds the container of the message to be transmitted -  the container being the memory. Overlaid on the memory would be the message. Getting all of this going would I imagine take an act of will and conscious deliberation and is what will generate the psychic memory. I surmise there will be seven layers in accordance with the rules underpinning SOC, the actual orgasm being the Ouspensky styled shock that gets delivered to the system, and is what provides the impetus for the transmission of the time message.


If it is possible that the sexual orgasm has a higher purpose, I would like to think that this is it.




In Transforming Vision Into Reality, I wrote that Ouspensky may possibly have grown up without the burden of primal pain, and I asked myself how this could possibly be. And what about geniuses and visionaries like Mahler, Mozart and others?


For whatever reasons, I believe that their mothers might well have related to their babies in extraordinary and unique ways, and the rather strange birth of Jesus Christ comes to mind. His mother Mary and his surrogate father Joseph were apparently confined to a manger on that glorious night. They were alone, so who was there to act as midwife, to deliver the baby, cut the umbilical cord.


As far as we know, there was no one. And Joseph, being as he was not the real father and who had not had intimate relationship with Mary, would I am sure have done nothing.


So after the baby Jesus was finally born, who was there to cut the cord, and I can only imagine he might have spent an unusually long time lying between his mother’s legs as she pondered the enormity of her situation.


For whatever reasons, their mothers quite possibly, when it was convenient, must have allowed their babies to remain between their legs, baby’s head quite possibly resting against their mother’s vagina, in this crucially formative time of their baby’s lives.


Thus would babies remain in touch with their primal room.


And there we have it.

                                            Primal Man


                                  First Child of the Universe


                      The Next Great Evolutionary Leap For Mankind


Why wait until we grow into adults before confronting our primal fears? The best time is when we are still babies before oedipal complications set in and when the baby thinks it and its mother are still one organism. Whatever primal fears there are, the newborn baby, indeed until s/he reaches the age of three or until the neo cortex is fully developed, staying in touch with the primal room for as long as it takes, and with the mother using her intuition to nurture the child and to hold it in her arms to comfort her baby whenever the going gets too tough; but then to put the baby back there once again – to enable the baby to stay with the primal connections and in so doing to become and to remain primal, and who can now indulge in the New Conversation with its Creator.


What a truly wonderful way to bring a baby into the world and to then give the infant time, the resource and the opportunity to make the primal connection – the next great evolutionary leap.


The first great evolutionary leap for Mankind occurred when he was finally able to stand comfortably on two legs, thereby allowing couples to make love while facing each other. This, as I have explained previously, created the need to distinguish real love from artificial love.


Unfortunately, babies were forced to lose the use of their feelings – as artificial and manufactured procedures following birth began replacing the natural ones – the ones we can observe in other animals, so that by the time children reach the age of three, they are thinking more with their heads, and feeling less with their bodies; as if our instincts were gradually, over time, stifled until we no longer had access to them. Yeh Man!


Returning baby to their origin periodically – until the child can record memory -undoes six million years of evolution by reversing the negative and tragic consequences of the first evolutionary step. It gives children the time and the opportunity to make the primal connection while they are still children and thereby enables them to never lose touch with their feelings; thereafter, they will continue to forever remain in touch with those feelings; thereby actualising the second great evolutionary step for Mankind.  Yurth Man!


Y’earth man. You’re earthman.


Time now to start planning the impossible?

The Next Great Evolutionary Step for Man

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