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Essence Of The Human  Condition

Mankind is on the brink of a paradigm shift in human consciousness.


Evolution signals that Man has reached a limit to what he can achieve. Collectively, the human race is not happy; it is neither free nor easy. A two tier human race has evolved in which an elite minority enjoys all the privileges of wealth, power and influence whilst the majority continue to eke out a living, their state of mind hovering precariously between ecstasy and morbid depression. Even in the western world where people now have access to the best technology and the means to fulfil their dreams; still they are reliant to a greater or lesser extent on all forms of medication and drug intake, suffer from obesity and watch TV programmes that are nearly all financed by advertising – all designed to increase consumption for the majority who are little more than spectators to sports, music and other entertainment.


We live in a world that is driven by high finance and where the greatest sums of money are spent on the means to kill us.


This is not how it is supposed to be.


Archaeological evidence suggests that, beginning eight million years ago, and culminating approximately two million years later, through an evolutionary process known as adaptive radiation, the position at which the spine enters the skull shifted a centimetre or so in the forward direction thus allowing the creature to finally stand comfortably on its two hind legs.


Adaptive radiation generated many differences between us and our ancestors, in particular:


  • Humans are bipedal, meaning we walk on two of our four limbs. The other limbs, our arms and subsequently our hands, have adapted to do precision tasks such as typing, tying shoe laces, playing musical instruments – common tasks that we perform in our own environment.

  • The amount of melanin in our skin is representative of the environment we live in, i.e. dark skinned people inhabit hotter climates.

  • The structure of our body gives an indication of the local climate; also, humans who have produced offspring that successfully live in a cold climate tend to be broader and smaller in stature while hotter environments are populated by thinner taller humans.


Over a period of two million years, the position at which the spine enters the skull shifted a small distance in the direction of its centre until it was possible for the creature to stand comfortably on its two hind legs, comfortably being the operative word. Whether or not two million years in this context can be said to be rapid in evolutionary terms is open to conjecture.


This I regard as Mankind’s first major evolutionary leap.


This created one huge difference between what four-legged and two-legged creatures are capable of, particularly in the arenas of emotion and feeling â€“ one that as far as I can ascertain has rarely if at all, been written about or discussed in academic circles.


Couples were now free to mate while still facing each other, not otherwise possible when the female traditionally remains on four legs.


Quite a significant and curiously fascinating evolutionary result or spin-off when you think about it. Evolution certainly thought so (and I use the phrase in its loosest context, I am certainly not suggesting that evolution is an entity endowed with intelligence and the means to broker abstract thought); though the transition from 4 to 2 legs was in all likelihood driven more by the need to survive fundamental shifts in earth’s geographical and geological terrain rather than striving for more pleasurable ways to reproduce.


In this essay, I subscribe to the view that the sex drive played a far more significant role in evolutionary development than has ever been alluded to by professional commentators and specialists. In fact, one is almost driven to the view that for these people, sex doesn’t really exist, or if it does, is spoken of more in abstract terms purely as the means for procreation rather than as a source of the most intense feeling and dynamism, and that people will, if needs be, walk to the opposite ends of the earth to get the love and attention they crave.


Up until then, four legged animals, assuming they weren’t all single sex â€“ hermaphrodites – able to reproduce without recourse to a partner – the question what came first, the chicken or the egg simply evaporating in the face of startlingly new ways of looking at things; during sex, four legged creatures did, and continue to, always mount females from behind. It is just not physically convenient for four legged animals to mate facing each other – at least not unless they wish to fracture their spinal columns in the process, though it is conceivable that the female four legged creature could lie on her back, but this to my mind would require a degree of intelligence on her part to adapt to, something she wouldn’t possess.


The consequences for the newly evolved species were twofold. To begin with, two highly sophisticated sexes evolved – man and woman â€“ both of whom were now able to enjoy sex for its own sake as well as for reproducing; they learnt how to love each other and more importantly and more cunningly, they learnt how to distinguish real love from artificial love, all facilitated, managed and orchestrated by the growth and development of language, facial expressions, hands, music etc; in other words all the attributes that we employ and utilise to show our partners how much we love them.


In other words, they evolved into us.


Unfortunately, and this has to be hypothetical since it has never actually been proven beyond all reasonable doubt but which I am absolutely certain of, the first major evolutionary leap unwittingly created a situation that was catastrophic and quite unexpected, and one that must have had Evolution temporarily stumped. Not to be outdone, She concocted a Plan, one that required the development of sentient beings blessed with intelligence, and the ability to think in abstract terms as the frontal neo cortex took hold and became what we can call the adult brain. It might be inferred that I am suggesting that evolution is an entity blessed with intelligence. This is not the case; perhaps I have resorted to poetic license to stress a point. There was in all likelihood a time when our ancestors were not intelligent creatures. Something must have occurred to change this. The adult brain evolved over a period of millions of years.


Take a fresh look at the mating and mothering habits of all four legged creatures. Primitive man was no different.


Take a fresh look from the point of view of the baby, of the young infant, of any and all species.


Young baby animals are always free to cling to their mothers, even when the mother is engaged in mating. Although the male may be mounting the female and is preoccupied with mating and reproduction, the young are nevertheless free to cuddle up to their mothers and so during mating there is no need for the mother to abandon her infants. There is no physical need for the infant to be elsewhere. This is because while the infants are upfront clinging to their mother, the male is behind her and out of the way of the children, the female torso physically separating her partner from her children; thus mother and father have no physical need to compromise the emotional and feeling needs and requirements of their infants.


With four legged creatures, there is no physical need for the young to be separated from their mother while she is engaged in the act of sex with her male partner.


To the great consternation of the parents, for they would certainly have cottoned on in due course, once primitive man was able to stand on two legs – which effectively permitted the male lying on top of the horizontal female during sex, the relationship between child and mother changed forever. It then became physically impossible for the young to cling to its mother during the act of sexual intercourse, and so the child was forced to be elsewhere during its parent’s periods of intimacy.


The result – a traumatised infant child placed in another room while its parents are locked in sexual bliss, oblivious to the pain and misery that this heinous act of emotional castration and abandonment might be having on their child.


Of course we in the twenty first century have long forgotten all this and how it must have affected our primitive ancestors, the young subjugated to the sidelines, mere onlookers while its parents enjoyed themselves, blissfully unaware of the pain and heartache they were causing their little child. Until two legged males and females came along the whole history of progeny was about conceiving babies while still allowing the existing children unfettered access to all parts of their mother’s bodies; in other words, emotional freedom of the young children was neither impaired nor compromised.


The abandonment of the infant during sexual intimacy and beyond between primitive two legged couples, simply because it was physically impossible for the children to remain in contact with their mother during sex, I believe has had catastrophic consequences for the Human Race and is the reason why it is in the mess it is in.


Why are we here? What is the meaning and purpose of life?


They key is Love, but what is love? In his beautifully enlightening book The Biology of Love, Dr Arthur Janov asserts that love is the central ingredient in building a strong and resilient personality.


For me, love is a process. In its purest form, what I call Real Love, love is the process of meeting and falling in love with the right partner, planning children and then bringing them into the world and thereafter nurturing them in such a manner as to allow them to forever remain in touch with their feelings. If this happens then all else follows.


But what happens when the course of real love is disrupted, is fractured, is compromised, such that the child subsequently becomes victim to artificial love, and which causes the young child to withdraw inwards, to suppress its feelings and to force it thereafter to forever think mainly with its head rather than to feel with its body.


In order to discover the meaning and purpose of life, it is necessary to meet and embrace and entwine and entangle with Death and come back to tell the story. I have worked out the mechanics for achieving this. It won’t be pleasant.


Think about the significance of what I am writing and what I am leading to. It has taken me thirty years to realise and is what this book is all about. I hope it doesn’t take you that long.


So what might be the next major evolutionary leap for Mankind? Simple really when you think about it. A small step for a mother; a giant leap for Mankind.


This simple procedure will in my view undo six million years of flawed human evolution. It doesn’t cost anything and all mothers can do it. It is as significant as breast feeding which is now recognised as fundamental to correct and proper child rearing.


Return the baby back to between mother’s legs – baby’s head against her vagina no less. Let the baby rest there. It takes approximately 3 years for the neo cortex to become fully functional and fully matured. Throughout the first 3 years of baby’s life, mother should nurture her child in this position – when there’s time â€“ when it’s appropriate – when she’s got a spare 5 minutes – an adjunct to breast feeding. No need to disrupt her life. The result Primal Man â€“ First Child of the Universe.


The consequences of this will be profound in ways that are virtually unimaginable.


This will be no less than the second major evolutionary leap for Mankind. It can start to happen now.


On a first encounter with this kind of advice, it might appear not only preposterous but also faintly disgusting. It is however, a most astonishing revelation that can only be fully appreciated and assimilated once the context is realised, one that becomes all embracing and leads to total miraculous transformation of the human species.


For this is but one stage in a gradually unfolding process of self-discovery of the true nature of the human being, what his potential is and what he is capable of achieving, and in our own life times no less, not some dream about the far distant future.


This collection of essays and other writings represents a journey, an exploration that started out with a question – is there a better way of bringing babies into the world?


In short it is a journey of Mind.


The great challenge for New Man, for Primal Man will be to replace the existing power structures with benevolent and compassionate institutions that seek to serve and celebrate the human race as a whole rather than just its elite minority.


The evolution of Man is the evolution and the full realisation of Love in all its awe inspiring and magnificent glory.


In the end, it was always only ever about Mummy.


Evolution? No! I t'u love.


Who wishes to join me on my journey in transforming my vision into reality?

The Next Great Evolutionary Step for Man

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