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Many of the essays in this book could not have been written without the invaluable and at times priceless input from Dr David Yurth, the then director of the Nova Institute of Technology, Holladay, Utah to whom I am indebted.


David took me into his confidence and gave me the opportunity to read and review books and documents that he’s authored, which has given me unique insight into a truly remarkable mind. His modesty and genius have left an indelible mark on my personality, and I can never thank him enough for sharing with me concepts and ideas that I would never have known about or realised myself, had it not been for his patient and lucid explanations.


His monograph Y-Bias, Angularity and Self Organising Criticality is a work of the most extraordinary depth, but written with singular clarity and definition. Coupled with the profound insights of Dr Janov’s many seminal works on the nature of the human condition that primal therapy reveals; all that modern physics discovers; the works of the Russian philosopher P.D.Ouspensky who is ranked alongside the greatest thinkers of the 20th century; the secrets of life that classical music in general and Mahler’s symphonies in particular reveal; together with my own special talent for exploring and unravelling truth; collectively, the perfect mix for inducing profound and lasting change in the human being.


50,000 years ago, Mankind lost the use of this feelings

Dr Arthur Janov The Primal Scream

These works describe how to get them back


Consciousness is the maximised interaction among neuronal

groups and different levels of the brain

Dr Arthur Janov Primal Healing


The Universe exists inside a sea of consciousness

that is holographic, unbounded, all- encompassing and is

the underlying foundation out of which space, time and all the

other attributes of the real matter Universe come into being

Dr David Yurth, Y-Bias


Consciousness is the medium for the propagation of ideas

which are little packets of feeling that can be absorbed and

assimilated by sentient beings who are blessed with intelligence,

and which are capable of transforming that feeling into meaning.

Richard Cattermoul

The Next Great Evolutionary Step for Man

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