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On The Fundamental Nature Of  Being

From: Dr David Yurth


8th April 2007


There are fundamental mysteries about which we can neither know nor understand much at all. We’re inside the elephant, trying desperately to describe what it is we’re in without being able to step away from it to see it in its own uniqueness and completeness. The Hindu mystics were absolutely correct when they posited that there is no meaningful way to detach ourselves from the reality we exist within. Bohm’s implicate order concept is as close as anyone has come to making sense out of the conundrum.


The whole purpose of Seeing Past the Edge is to find out whether or not we can actually integrate our notions of consciousness with our fundamentally flawed notions of material physicality.


There is a place, at a certain scale of organisation, where the exercise of conscious choice, merely the act of observing something, exerts a quantifiable, irremediable effect on the thing or event that is being observed. This, in my opinion, is one of the most important discoveries made by anybody. The repeated verification of this notion by some of the brightest and most certifiably competent minds in the world tells us this is not just another limp-wristed New Age idea. Rather, it is indicative of something genuinely profound about the way the world works.


It is because of the work of others that we have been able to dive down to a deeper level of understanding about the fundamental nature of Being. We have no answers yet to the biggest questions, but we certainly do have an inside track now on how the dynamics associated with self-organisation and dissipative processes are able to operate in the same universe, in the same locale, at the same address, at all scales, simultaneously.


And this in itself is extremely exciting because it means we can now begin to understand how events in the future can influence events that have already occurred in the past.


The facts seem to suggest that the non-local, non-linear field effects  - which are the domain of Mind and the place where consciousness is deliberately exercised by choice and will - are actually, absolutely timeless. They operate without respect to distance because they are holographic – and when the coupling constants become sufficiently invigorated to allow choices to reach across the ages to change events that have already occurred, then something magical happens.


We know something about the effects produced by these interactions – and they are so fascinating that I am still working very hard to get my head around them. Dr Brian Weiss has written copiously about his use of past life regression to remediate all kinds of symptoms which are occurring is his patients today. By taking these patients through past life regression in a hypnotic state, Dr Weiss is able to exert an effect today on the way catastrophic events were experiences in the past. And by doing so, he is able to totally eliminate pathologies in the present – we think we understand something of how and why this works, but the whole notion of it falls within the area of ‘great unexplained mysteries of the universe.’


Which takes us to another of the questions you raise. The greatest of all questions remaining unanswered is ‘Why are we here?’ No one knows for sure, but we do have significant evidence that life in this domain is not a one trick pony.


If the work of Weiss and his thousands of collaborating colleagues is a reliable source of information, it seems likely that we experience many lifetimes, each within a cluster of a core group of others, where the lifetime experience becomes an experiential scenario in which everyone plays a different part.


The work of Raymond Moody and others who have been investigating the near death experience tell us something more about this issue. We are not the physical body suit we inhabit. We are much, much more than this.


Dr Bruce Lipton’s work in cellular microbiology tells us that the current model of organic chemistry taught in all the great universities is fundamentally flawed as well – the way our cells work can now be clearly integrated with the Y-Bias model of cellular interactions. The cells themselves propagate field effects which organise the way our bodies look, function and feel, all three or four trillion of them, operating at the same time. When the field effects are interrupted or propagate errors, we get sick, lose our hair, get old, have disease, feel pain. But when by some miraculous measure the field effects are corrected, health returns and we get better.


So my notion about this - that Mind couples with Matter at the fundamental levels of organisation - seems to be borne out by all the information we are now being given from all sorts of fascinating sources. And when we take the work that Art Janov is doing and add that to the equation, we discover something wonderful about who we are. Primal Healing recognises that when we discover emotions at the primal level, and with sufficient intensity and persistence, to alter the physical structures of memory and emotion in the body, then the way the body works is also altered. Permanently.


We have been using variations of Dr Janov’s work in experiential counselling and workshops for nearly a decade now. My personal experience with it has been profound – I have been present when these fundamental changes have occurred in others, as a facilitator and counsellor, on perhaps more than one hundred occasions over the past decade. I have worked through this kind of experience personally, and can attest to the transformative power such things exert on one’s life.


Which brings us to the crux of the matter -  we are here, in this life, having life, being alive, doing it over and over again, fulfilling our reason for being by filling our Bingo Card in precisely the same way a fractal pattern becomes fully realised while the hologram is evolving. And when the fractal of our physical mortality has become fully evolved, then we move on to other sorts of Being and Doing and Living. Albert L. Brooks’ movie Defending your life makes fun of the process but he gets it mostly right. Being from earth as we are, and using as little of our brains as we do, it’s clear that our existence on earth is pretty much devoted to dealing with fear. That’s what little brains do. And when we have conquered our fears, there is no longer any reason to be here, although some of the new fast food places are quite nice.


That’s as close I as can come to making sense of it all … and it all seems pretty exciting to me to know that we get to think about it at all. Have a great day.


Dave Yurth

The Next Great Evolutionary Step for Man

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