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The  Healing Centre

Welcome to the Healing Centre. You have been chosen to explore the healing qualities of Mind which are truly awesome and miraculous. Fit, capable, innovative and healthy in mind, body and spirit is our objective; available to all who desire the truth, or who seek relief.


But we go beyond mere understanding. Our techniques uncover the knowledge and facts that enable you to properly assess and thereafter manage with never before realised insights and clarity, your new found identity and place in the world.


A life in which you are finally free of pain, anxiety and bewilderment.


Every thought – whether it be conscious, unconscious, fleeting, prolonged; feeling â€“ whether it be felt, unfelt, suppressed, held back and all accompanying emotion; ideas, images, sounds, touch, taste, smell, ailments, illnesses, neuroses, psychoses – in fact the total summation of your life â€“ all these are fed back to us instantaneously in a continuous stream sixty four times a second without disruption or interruption.


From this information, we have been able to construct a second-by-second, minute-by-minute exact facsimile of your life. Our grasp of technology and techniques is so precise and fool proof that we are now able to present in our laboratories via holographic image and artificial sensors, not only a total mirror image of your own life, but also those of all other human beings, both present and past.


Our laboratories have been able to replicate your entire life, as well as everyone else’s that has in some way influenced your growth and development. Thus, we are able to extrapolate and predict with uncanny accuracy the future you have yet to live. Occasionally, we receive warnings that you are thinking conscious thoughts (such as improper thoughts towards your wife’s younger, better looking, sister), the outcome of which would serve no useful purpose and could turn for the worst, so we create sets of obstacles for you to overcome if you still feel inclined to pursue your intended objective. When this happens, you will be forced to rethink on account of your intuition noticing all those little coincidences that together you can’t help deducing feel like something unusual and out of the ordinary has taken place.


The obstacles we speak of are your predisposition to concluding that your Guardian Angel or some such spiritual entity must have in some way manipulated events (both internal and external) in order to give you the opportunity to rethink your strategy.


For that is precisely what we have done.


The Healing Centre deconstructs you life giving you the wherewithal to reconstruct it based on new information and knowledge. Our greatest triumph is to be able to capture that moment in early childhood when the child suffers bewildering psychic, emotional or physical Pain, but which nevertheless, in early childhood is recorded as a fleeting thought, and one that the child has to forget with the accompanying suppression of emotion and feeling.


We take you back to those times. Our cue is your earliest conscious memory, and we take it from there. We transmit to you a continuous video of the before and after that is projected onto a 3-dimensioanl screen that exists inside your head – all with sound and feeling. You are to all intents and purposes back there once again, only this time you are reliving it with an adult brain.


Why is he talking to her that way? Why is she behaving so bizarrely? Why is she not cuddling you but scolding you instead? We take each individual that has in some way affected you, and we play back the significant times of their lives in order to enable you to understand the whole picture. And if that is not enough, we will regress to older generations until a point is reached when you have a complete solution.


From your earliest conscious memory, we proceed to regress back, stopping each time we hit upon a fleeting thought. By now, you are tuned in to the procedure.


Thus, early childhood dilemmas can be resolved in a way that currently is not possible. When we replay the video, the other significant people in your life are also changed to reflect the new you.


At the moment of your conception, the entire history of your parents was passed to you. We therefore have direct access to your ancestry, because it is already stored in your deep subconscious. At your birth, a Pain barrier – known as the Primal Gate – is constructed that separates your history from your new life in order that you can make sense of it and not be distracted and overwhelmed by random thoughts leading to chaos.


At this pointing in your Healing, we are ready to open the Primal Gate.


Are you ready to make such a journey?


In the days when our distant ancestors got about on 4 legs, life, whilst fun, was not on the whole all that productive. But then, owing to a minor evolutionary shift in the position at which the spine enters the skull meant we could walk comfortably on our two hind legs thereby leaving the front two limbs free to do a bit more.


Well it seems we’re back where we started. Now that the ubiquitous mobile phone has arrived, sure we can talk to each other, but it forces us to frequently lose the use of at least one of our hands (hands free aside).


Since their inception, mobile phones have become pretty much the very embodiment of our way of life, providing effortless means to talk and listen to anyone or anything whilst on the move, to send and receive pictures, listen to music, record our own voice, tell the time, organise meetings, keep a calendar, get instantaneous access to all manner of information via the Internet and satellite broadcasting and navigation; in total to keep in touch in ways that not long ago would have placed such ideas firmly in the domain of science fiction.


Yet the current day version of the mobile phone, in spite of all its ingenious add-ons, Apps and beautifully sculptured presentation, is still very much the child of what it could be.


Enter the Divine Ultimate Mobile Phone (Dump). No bigger than the size of the smallest microchip, and manufactured entirely out of organic material, it fits comfortably somewhere inside the brain.


With the Dump, we can talk to people, hear what they say, we can send and receive messages should we so desire, we can send and receive images and music.


Only problem, we don’t know we have one. Even if we did, we don’t know how to operate it, and neither do we know other people’s phone numbers.


Apparently, however, other people do occasionally make contact with some of us, but we can never be too sure we are not hallucinating.


So, how does the Dump work, what are its properties and how can we use it to send and receive messages.


Let’s imagine how the Dump gathers information. Suppose it takes a snapshot of our entire physiology once every 26 or 64 times a second. 64 is a nice number because it is 2 to the power of 6, and any number that is a power of 2 has attractive qualities. Suppose the average human being lives 100 years. How many snapshots will the dump take?


What will the Dump be wanting to take snapshots of 64 times a second if not a digital representation of an analogue or organic action such as is performed by the eye, the ear, the tongue, the skin, the emergence of a thought or an idea perhaps, the sensation or experience of a feeling?  One can speculate that all human properties and characteristic can be represented in digital format and stored in a 64 bit word (and for all we know they are).


If for arguments sake, 64 human characteristics were recorded 64 times every second over the life time of a person, this would require


64 x 64 x 60 x 3600 x 24 x 365 x 100 = 775,028,736,000,000


Which is just over seven hundred and seventy five trillion words of memory, and which in terms of today’s gigabyte and terabyte disks, is not that huge a requirement.


Most of us have been used to using computers containing microchips having 32 bit words. Since a 32 bit word can store up to 2,147,483,648 positive numbers, this also represents the number of gradations that a characteristic, such as a shade of red, can be recorded.


Thus, in terms of the two major activities that Man spends most of his time preoccupied with – what he hears with his ears (including his own voice) and what he sees with his eyes, maintaining the record of his entire life would present no problem to today’s modern microprocessors.


Could we digitise our feelings? Certainly. Feelings can be categorised as entities that can fluctuate between heavenly passion and ecstasy at one end of the spectrum, and suicidal morbid depression at the other end.  Of course, the digitisation would be engendered and rendered internally, rather than being represented by some external measuring instrument.


Could thought processes be digitised, or rather, could they be represented in digital format*  This would appear to be an important candidate for digitisation as any future behaviour of the individual could be predicted depending on how they react to new thoughts and ideas.


At this point, I notice an asterisk * at the end of the sentence of the previous paragraph. How do I go about removing it and replacing it with a question mark? There is the long way, the short way, and the way that is position independent.


The long method is for me to press continually the left pointing arrow key on my keyboard and watch the cursor slowly and painfully touch every single intervening character until it gets to the asterisk.


A slightly shorter route is to press the up arrow key which gets me to my desired line in fewer keystrokes, although this would depend on how far away my target line is.


In the days before the humble mouse, these were the preferred methods for navigating the screen. Using the mouse, we can now reposition the cursor on the asterisk character above instantly simply by manipulating the cursor wheel a tiny amount and pressing the left hand mouse button once. In this way, we have been able to make a change to one part of the computer screen without considering the current position of the cursor. We have been able to reach our preferred position instantly.


The reasons that we are able to do it this way are: (i) all locations on the screen are already mapped, (ii) nothing ever actually moves, (iii) all that we ever see are changes in pixel states that are energised according to the bit content and pattern of their 32 or  64 bit words, but which give the illusion of a flashing line of light, (iv) each pixel on a coloured monitor is made up of the red, green and blue primary colours, so all we ever see are changes in colour, although these colour changes are always conditioned by intelligent design and are never randomly generated by pure chance, coincidence or mishap – unless something goes wrong when the outcome is unpredictable.


Perhaps the Dump is buried deep inside our subconscious. Who can say it is not the precursor to consciousness and intelligence, and is what we sense inside our heads and is where all our novel and original thoughts and ideas spring from?


For not only can the Dump transmit information, it can also receive via from the Divine Ultimate Internet Service Provider. Furthermore, it can execute these operations in an environment that is independent of time and space considerations.


If there was indeed an Original Idea (OI) or Primal Source that existed before even the Universe came into being, then what better way to stay in touch – see how we as a sentient life form developed. All that we see, hear, think and feel etc getting reported straight back to the Source – whatever, whenever and wherever that might be.


And occasionally, it does appear as if the OI plays tricks on us, if only to alert us to its presence and construction. As if the OI itself grew out of one fundamental precept or state, somehow creating out of non-existence a state of Imagination which was jolted into some kind of action that generated a real matter Universe.


Matter and Imagination co-existing together and separated by a boundary whose constitution or construction is far from clear. We are reminded of Imagination constantly. It’s in our heads, and it never lets go – ever. Inside its little world – which is as real as the keyboard in front of me, it works a strange kind of magic that invites me to generate peculiar little symbols on the liquid crystal display positioned in front of me and which I hope will get read and understood by others.


We know, from programs like Google Earth, Google search engine and most other search engines for that matter, that using the most sophisticated data storage and compression techniques, it is possible to access practically any information in a matter of moments. How does it happen so rapidly? Because, each time a new webpage comes online and is added to the Google Search Engine, it also adds each word, web address, line number, and position in the line, to an already existing database, Therefore when a user performs a google search, Google already knows which web pages the words belong. Thus, from Google’s point of view, there is no such thing as a search. It already knows where everything is.


In fact, the mechanics of the Internet is absolutely mind boggling, so it takes no great leap of the imagination to understand how the Dump could amass a lifetime’s worth of salient information pertaining to a single human being stored, relatively speaking, in an incredibly small space, and have that information instantly accessible and manageable.


There are four ways of storing information in relational databases – heap, hash, indexed sequential access method (isam) and btree. One or other is chosen depending on the data processing action that is being taken. Indirect addressing is the mechanism for accessing data without resorting to sequential access. In other words, indirect addressing enables us to access information in a manner that is independent of its location relative to whatever wishes to access it.


All human generated information, while assembled and stored in the present, can only be accessed in a future moment of time, never in the past.


On the other hand, our divine ultimate mobile phone achieves the precise opposite which is to make information available to the past. How is this accomplished?


Our subconscious is the repository for all that has taken place and is taking place. Our subconscious has a perfect record of all we have experienced right down to our moment of conception. And what happened at that moment? The union of sperm and egg cell also brought with it the complete history of our parents, encoded in the genetic material; and contained in that genetic material was the history of their parents and grandparents right down to the dawn of civilisation. And beyond.


After all, we are the survivors of all that went before.


Thus, the routes for conveying information right back down the time line to the origin of time and space are already mapped out. Every creature who ever lived on this planet has a link in its subconscious of all its ancestors.


On his website Dr Janov writes:


The physicist David Bohm noted that man is a microcosm of the universe; therefore, what man is, is a clue to the universe.


What man is, is what man was, and inside the human brain we can find remnants of the fish and reptilian brain. What this means is that what we are, is built upon the most successful adaptions of what we were. When our patients go back to the most primitive brains in their reliving, we see those ancient brains at work. And, I might add, there are never any words in those relivings.


When we consider the nature of consciousness we must, I repeat, we must take into consideration the brains that went before us, the brains that still reside in us. They help make up our consciousness. After all, the lower animals had to be very aware of where food and enemies were. They certainly had awareness, and that kind of level of awareness still exists in us. Those ‘awarenessess’ certainly make up modern consciousness. To think otherwise is to adopt an anti-evolutionary stance; to think that the late developing neo cortex is the be-all and end-all of human consciousness. If we want to understand the origins of the universe, both personal and phylogenetic (of mankind) it helps to delve deep into our internal past. Do animals feel? We descend down into the old limbic system, part of which we share with animals, and find that they do. <Ends>


The way we should look at things is, not from a descent into the past from what is always the present moment in time, but from the point of view of the very beginning, the source of everything – OI - where everything would be a future event that could be recorded in its entirety.


OI did not get stuck in time, but changed its state of existence in accordance with the precept that while each passing moment of time would represent a forward movement allowing us to define past, present and future, for OI on the other hand, it is, always was, and always will be, the Eternal Now.


The Next Great Evolutionary Step for Man

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